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News: Before installing the vacuum cooling system, it took a long time to cool vegetables

Before installing the vacuum cooling system, it took a long time to cool vegetables

Weber One

Before having the Vacuum Cooling system that we got from Weber Cooling, the issue was that it took such a long time for the vegetables to cool down.

Sometimes it would take a full night to get the product cool enough. With the new cooler that we have installed, the quality of the product can be secured better by getting the temperature as low as 4-5 degrees within 30 minutes.”

HortiDaily: Fri 8 Oct 2021
Vuorenmaa is satisfied with the support from Weber Cooling
Our new cooling system clarifies the functions, guarantees the faster cooling of vegetables and better preservability. The support for this system has been good and fast. We have found some information online and someone has always answered fast and easily to all of our questions. The machine has worked very well, so we haven't needed much support as of yet.
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