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Sushi Rice is perfect to cool with vacuum! Not only can you cool very fast (10 – 15 minutes) reducing bacteria growth and increasing storage life, you will also improve texture and taste! A leading UK supplier of Sushi-To-Go just received two of our food vacuum coolers, in which they can cool up to 1,200 (!) kg of sushi rice per hour.

Contrary to regular high speed cooling by forced air, with vacuum you cool extremely fast but gentle, and uniformly, without hardening the crust of the rice corns. At the end of the cooling cycle, the vacuum is removed, slightly inflating the rice corns, and giving it a more open texture and thus a more sweeter taste.

Vacuum cooling can be used at professional sushi factories, but also in restaurants and smaller food kitchens. Weber Cooling offers affordable solutions: from coolers for one sushi box up to solutions for multiple trolleys per hour. Energy, time and space efficient, plus guaranteeing you top quality sushi rice with premium taste.

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Worldwide leader in vacuum cooling solutions for fresh produce and food. Weber Cooling is part of Strade Consult BV.

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